mexico chiapas

from $21.47

YUM! We Taste Notes Of: floral aromatics, yellow apples, with grapefruit acidity, and a dark chocolate aftertaste

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YUM! We Taste Notes Of: floral aromatics, yellow apples, with grapefruit acidity, and a dark chocolate aftertaste

YUM! We Taste Notes Of: floral aromatics, yellow apples, with grapefruit acidity, and a dark chocolate aftertaste

Grown by: 168 women coffee producers associated with Rosalba Cifuentes

Region: La rinconada, El progreso, Unión progreso, Barrio montaña and Bella Vista

Process: Fully Washed & Dried in the Sun

Variety: Bourbon, Caturra, Catimor

Elevation: 1,550 - 1,650masl

Roast Degree: Light-medium

We taste floral aromatics, yellow apples, with grapefruit acidity, and a dark chocolate aftertaste, in this fully washed and sun dried coffee from the regions of La rinconada, El progreso, Unión progreso, Barrio montaña and Bella Vista in Mexico.

Mexico Chiapas Mayan Harvest Women's Group is sourced from 168 family-owned farms located in communities within the municipality of Bella Vista in the state of Chiapas, Mexico. Rosalba Cifuentes Tovia, who was raised in the Bella Vista coffee community, has dedicated herself to helping producers with small plots of land (averaging 5 acres) earn a better price for their coffee. Rosalba ensures traceability for her community's coffee by personally exporting the coffee directly to the Bay Area. Rosalba also concerns herself with the small details like being sure to pull samples without piercing the producers bags, which has eliminated the cost for replacing damaged bags. These efforts allow producers to earn higher prices and reinvest in better agricultural practices and improve the livelihoods for their families. This is the first year that the Mayan Harvest Women’s Group has exported coffee. Through Mayan Harvest’s system of traceability and improved premiums returned directly to the women, this coffee recognizes their work and gives them financial empowerment.