nostalgia - our classic dark roast

from $15.50

Yum! We Taste Notes Of: chocolate, caramel and nutty

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Yum! We Taste Notes Of: chocolate, caramel and nutty

Yum! We Taste Notes Of: chocolate, caramel and nutty

Produced By: Urban Family

Region: Cerrado Mineiro

Department: Minas Gerais

Farm: Fazenda Rio Brilhante

Process: Natural

Variety: Acaià

Elevation: 900 – 1,150masl

Roast Degree: Medium - Dark

2017 – 2nd place in the Imaflora – Rainforest Alliance & 3rd place in Cerrado Mineiro Regional competition

2020 – 1st place in Ethics & Traceability Award

Certifications: UTZ, Rainforest Alliance, 4C

Whether you prefer a dark roast or not, it’s hard not to connect those flavors to fond memories. Nostalgia is our tribute to those times and the way coffee was traditionally roasted and enjoyed for years. This coffee hints at the smoky, caramelized flavors that dark roast drinkers love, while preserving the natural characteristics that come from the meticulous effort of farmers to produce extraordinary coffee for you and me.

Los Volcanes Coffee - We have decided to partner with Los Volcanes Coffee (LVC) long term to provide you consistency with a coffee that we will be roasting for Nostalgia. Dan Griffin, with LVC, shared with us about the incredible work they began in Guatemala to build a model farm for any other farm in the world to produce. A Brazilian, Carlino Franco, moved to Guatemala to manage their lab. Now Brazilian producers travel to the lab in Guatemala to understand what they are doing to produce high quality coffees. Fazenda Rio Brilhante is an advanced farm in Brazil with a microbiology lab.                   

Fazenda Rio Brilhante - The micro-region of Pântano is known for its well-defined seasons, consistent seasonal rain, and favorable climate for coffee production. These conditions are ideal for a natural processed coffee. After the ripe cherries are harvested, the cherries are sorted by density in order to process further the highest quality cherries.

Inácio Urban started with only 20 hectares of land dedicated to coffee, but now has expanded to 1,600 hectares of land. This land is separated into 45 sections and each section is divided by larger trees that can block extreme winds because of the relative flatness of the micro-region. And by law, rural properties must maintain a forest reserve, which means it must be covered by native vegetation. Fazenda Rio Brilhante produces approximately 130,000 bags (60kg) of coffee per harvest.