fell & fair blend
Yum! We Taste Notes Of: Chocolate, Mulberry, and Adventure
Yum! We Taste Notes Of: Chocolate, Mulberry, and Adventure
Yum! We Taste Notes Of: Chocolate, Mulberry, and Adventure
Blend Origins: Rwanda Gishyita and Brazil Fosforico
Process: Natural & Washed
Roast Degree: Medium
If you don’t know about Fell & Fair, it’s about time you did! Check out their website or instagram feed. You’ll be glad you did.
The story of Fell & Fair is one that resonates deeply with us. It’s about bringing history and imagination to life. It’s about building community around things we love and valuing the craft and skill each individual person possesses. They work to achieve a magical realism that brings their characters and settings to life. We are thrilled to partner with them using our craft and an age-old bean to create a magical blend of coffee that embodies the imagination and creativity Fell & Fair exhibit.
This coffee is a beautiful blend of a natural Rwanda Gishyita and Brazil Fosforico. The result is a new, yet timeless, flavor profile with notes of chocolate, mulberry, and of course, adventure. Yes, that’s right, adventure. What does that taste like you ask? Try it and you’ll find out. Best enjoyed reading Tolkien or a similar work of literature or as fuel for your next adventure.