ethiopia banko
Ethiopia Banko Taratu Site
We taste dry white flower, blueberry and strawberry sweetness, with mild lime acidity in this washed process coffee with extended fermentation from the Yirgacheffe region of southern Ethiopia. If that doesn’t sound divine to you, then you may not be human.
The coffee you are sipping on comes from one of the highest coffee growing elevations in Ethiopia. Higher elevations tend to produce very special coffee, but you be the judge. The coffee in Banko Taratu is grown near the farmers’ home gardens, on small plots of land, shaded by large trees, and using natural fertilizers. Coffee cherries are hand-picked by farmers and their family members, and delivered to various processing sites. The skin of the coffee cherry is then removed by water, then steeped in fresh spring water for 24 to 48 hours for wet fermentation to eliminate any remnants of sugar coating (mucilage). Further, the coffee is shade-dried for a few days until it reaches 30% moisture content, then sun-dried to 11% moisture content on raised African beds. It is dried for two weeks and then transported to the capital of Addis Ababa for the next stages of milling and export.
Grower: Over 300 family owned farmlands in Banko Taratu
Region: Yirgacheffe
District: Gedeb
Elevation: 1,950 - 2,300masl
Roast Degree: Light
Process: Extended Fermentation - Washed
Variety: 74112 Ethiopia Landrace
YUM! We Taste: Dry White Flower, Blueberry and Strawberry Sweetness, with Mild Lime Acidity
Ethiopia Banko Taratu Site
We taste dry white flower, blueberry and strawberry sweetness, with mild lime acidity in this washed process coffee with extended fermentation from the Yirgacheffe region of southern Ethiopia. If that doesn’t sound divine to you, then you may not be human.
The coffee you are sipping on comes from one of the highest coffee growing elevations in Ethiopia. Higher elevations tend to produce very special coffee, but you be the judge. The coffee in Banko Taratu is grown near the farmers’ home gardens, on small plots of land, shaded by large trees, and using natural fertilizers. Coffee cherries are hand-picked by farmers and their family members, and delivered to various processing sites. The skin of the coffee cherry is then removed by water, then steeped in fresh spring water for 24 to 48 hours for wet fermentation to eliminate any remnants of sugar coating (mucilage). Further, the coffee is shade-dried for a few days until it reaches 30% moisture content, then sun-dried to 11% moisture content on raised African beds. It is dried for two weeks and then transported to the capital of Addis Ababa for the next stages of milling and export.
Grower: Over 300 family owned farmlands in Banko Taratu
Region: Yirgacheffe
District: Gedeb
Elevation: 1,950 - 2,300masl
Roast Degree: Light
Process: Extended Fermentation - Washed
Variety: 74112 Ethiopia Landrace
YUM! We Taste: Dry White Flower, Blueberry and Strawberry Sweetness, with Mild Lime Acidity
Ethiopia Banko Taratu Site
We taste dry white flower, blueberry and strawberry sweetness, with mild lime acidity in this washed process coffee with extended fermentation from the Yirgacheffe region of southern Ethiopia. If that doesn’t sound divine to you, then you may not be human.
The coffee you are sipping on comes from one of the highest coffee growing elevations in Ethiopia. Higher elevations tend to produce very special coffee, but you be the judge. The coffee in Banko Taratu is grown near the farmers’ home gardens, on small plots of land, shaded by large trees, and using natural fertilizers. Coffee cherries are hand-picked by farmers and their family members, and delivered to various processing sites. The skin of the coffee cherry is then removed by water, then steeped in fresh spring water for 24 to 48 hours for wet fermentation to eliminate any remnants of sugar coating (mucilage). Further, the coffee is shade-dried for a few days until it reaches 30% moisture content, then sun-dried to 11% moisture content on raised African beds. It is dried for two weeks and then transported to the capital of Addis Ababa for the next stages of milling and export.
Grower: Over 300 family owned farmlands in Banko Taratu
Region: Yirgacheffe
District: Gedeb
Elevation: 1,950 - 2,300masl
Roast Degree: Light
Process: Extended Fermentation - Washed
Variety: 74112 Ethiopia Landrace
YUM! We Taste: Dry White Flower, Blueberry and Strawberry Sweetness, with Mild Lime Acidity